Infection risk in crowded places

Infectious agents are everywhere and we are at higher risk in crowded environments. Recently London’s Evening Standard had samples collected from the seats on public transport. They found that the average seat was home to more than three million bacteria and “contain 70 types of bacteria and could easily contain the flu and common cold viruses or even the MRSA superbug”. New Scientist magazine recently published research showing that the office workspace harboured 400 times more bacteria than a lavatory seat! Even people with a strong immune system often catch respiratory infections when they fly as the air in the aircraft cabins is recycled to save fuel.

Bacteria and Viruses

Bacteria can cause a wide range of illnesses, from tummy upsets, to skin disorders, and life-threatening illnesses (like bacterial meningitis). Common bacterial infections include pneumonia, ear infections, diarrhoea, urinary tract infections, and skin problems.

Viruses are minute, infectious, freeloading life-forms which are completely dependent on the cells of the infected host to be able to reproduce. They also send immune-suppressing signals to the host’s immune system, crippling its ability to respond. Viruses are particularly tough little bugs as they have a strong protein shell which is an impenetrable obstacle for many drugs. Certain essential oils, however, can penetrate or break down this shell to enable the destruction of the virus.


Conventional medicine has changed the course of medical history by eliminating a wide range of bacterial infections with antibiotics. When they were discovered in the 1940s, they were very effective, however, our over-dependence on them has created antibiotic-resistant bacteria that are now more difficult to treat (eg MRSA). We have upset the bacterial balance of nature and epidemiologists now warn of epidemic diseases that are not easily treatable by conventional means.


A specific anti-viral drug may be successful against a virus for a period of time but, once the virus mutates, the drug is no longer effective. Drugs are made by isolating one or two constituents and a virus can easily mutate and adapt to the drug, making it useless. For example, the flu virus readily mutates so a flu jab, which is made up of antibodies of five to ten of the most common of to the previous year’s flu virus strains, still may not protect against the current year’s strains.

Tamiflu® is regarded as the most promising drug treatment for bird flu, however, reports indicate that some forms of the virus have already adapted to Tamiflu®. The primary ingredient used to make Tamiflu® is shikimic acid from star anise, and a shortage of star anise is one of the key reasons there is a worldwide shortage of Tamiflu®. (Incidentally, star anise is one of the many ingredients of ‘The Shield’.)

Essential oils

Essential oils and herbs contain many chemical compounds, with many, many actions, to help the body to fight infections. A single essential oil can have anywhere between 80 and 800 chemical constituents. It is impossible for a microbe to mutate and adapt to that many chemical constituents. Scientists have yet to duplicate the therapeutic effects of a truly therapeutic-grade essential oil.


The anti-microbal activity of essential oils has been well studied. Researchers at Metropolitan University of Manchester found that essential oils (Tea-Tree, Patchouli, Lavender, Geranium and Citricidal) quickly killed and inhibited the growth of three different strains of MRSA bacteria. They studied the oils singly and in combination and also, as the results were different in each case, whether the vapour or direct contact was most effective.

Research scientist Dr. Jean C. Lapraz states that he couldn't find any microbe that could live in the presence of the essential oils of cinnamon or oregano.

Professor Griffon, in France, tested the antiseptic effects of a blend of essential oils on airborne microbes. He left a number of Petri dishes in an open room for 24 hours. Microbes from the air settled in the open Petri dishes and formed colonies. He then analysed what had grown in the dishes and found 210 colonies of various microbes including harmful moulds and staphylococci. He then sprayed a blend of essential oils into the air in the room. Within 30 minutes 206 colonies had been killed and only 4 were left, none of which were harmful.

The Shield

Like pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines, The Shield has not been tested for effect against the H5N1 Lavenderhuman to human form of the virus because it does not exist yet, however the extensive antiviral and antibacterial qualities of essential oils has been established by many scientific studies.

Almarome, manufacturers of The Shield, are very keen that it is not diminished by ‘hype’ as this is not a mundane product. The Shield is top quality and made very carefully from the finest French organic essential oils. The ingredients of the blends are chosen conscientiously from a deep knowledge of oils, their synergistic qualities and actions.

It is designed to protect you when you are exposed to crowded environments and to use at the very first sign of a chill.

There are three parts to the system which act on the body in three different ways that can be used singly or in combination for greater effect:

to inhale as a vapour, attacking germs which take hold in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract (you can even use a few drops on a tissue to sniff while you are on the Tube or on a plane)

to take orally, thorough the digestive tract and into the bloodstream

to absorb through the skin, directly into the bloodstream bypassing the digestive system and the liver
On Holiday
Anti Aging
Food and Toxins
Cold and Flu
Eating Right
Nutritional Medicine